
This kid will become an axe murderer

Have you noticed that Children have such squeaky voices

My next single

Happy Christmas!

Ladies, do you like musical balls?

Have you ever been on TV?


Code Monkey

Are you bi-curious?

Breadth of Policy


Grocery List Bonanza

You like music too don't you?

This kid is batty

Do you have problems with space?

I don't normally put adverts in my blog but...

This can't be for real.

Why have I missed so many of these fantastic tunes?

Bristol Advanced Motorcyclists


Especially for Womble and Spikey

Oddly entertaining

This is cheating!

If you're a Labour voter

Do you like classical music?

Another 419 - Edward Lamptey

Ready for a re-release?

Interesting variation on the 419

What's all this then?

Musac -Torn

Wellies or wheelies

Spooky Effect

Bizarre humour

Do you like music?

Pished Percussionist

Pished Percussionist

Are you bored with watching paint dry?

Riding a bike round some bends

Growing Old

Have you noticed...

Shiver down the spine

Laguna Seca in the old days

NEC Bike Show 2006

Battle of the Geeks

Table Tennis Fans Easily Pleased

Another funny Amercian

Feeling bouncy?

Our friends in the east

Baa Humbug

Loud pipes

HP Lovecraft strikes again

I've found another participant for our poker evenings

Take it off baby

Somebody thought this was exciting

Bang! Another one bites the dust

A funny American

Big wet one

Another attempt at a humorous site

Like a hole in the head

Poor use of English and being Illegitimate

Human rights and political comentary from a lizard

This is a classic

Chuckle I did

Are you in the mood for some whupass?

New Tory Logo

Boys and their toys

Long time, no post

Green is Good!

Aliens arrested at Roswell


Quick Thinking

Frank won't give in

Evil Bunny

Speedy Yesteryear

Can you guess what it is yet

Pizza Anyone

Cadwelll Twighlight Zone

Frank-en Sense

Wet and Messy

Cadwell Trackday

Terrorist Sought

Do you spend a lot of time writing?

Some Sounds


Interesting musical idea

PC vs Mac

Star Trek vs Star Wars

Woof has shaved

Hair today, still there tomorrow

Ever given yourself a paper cut...

Barrister Frank and the Rampaging Elephant

Geri's Game

I never realised that Linux could be so sexy.

More from Barrister Frank

Indoor Airshow

It's not a monkey, it's a chimpanze!

Would YOU proudly show off your balls?

Wishful thinking

A very buzzy cow

Please ring 419

Japanese and their dominoes

Greek Bike Accident

If you're not a biker, this won't mean much

While we're on the subject of fouls

You want more childish humour?

Are you reading IT?

Is it me, or are the Japanese odd?

Continuing the 419 theme

Fancy a game of Pong?

Do you remember the A Ha video?

Some people have too much spare time

Are you feeling stressed?

Pearls of wisdom

Digital Manipulation

Spare a thought for those less fortunate

Flash Game

An old theme reworked


Time to write

More 419 fun

The literate among you may like this

Special link for Woof

Chavs with Boom Boxes


Are you a Cat Lover.