Yes, and he's here. Watching this video gives you an idea of the kind of poker evening that my very good, skydiving friend Woof hosts. We won't talk of the certain person who makes me want to bang them on the head repeadedly with something large, heavy and purple. Stop reading here.
I just threw in 'purple' at the end there to make you think. Admit it, for a moment you were wondering "what's large, heavy and purple?". I always like to stimulate though in those around me. Speaking of stimulating thought, I topped off my Open University course (M358 - database stuff) with an exam today. One down and one to go.
I just threw in 'purple' at the end there to make you think. Admit it, for a moment you were wondering "what's large, heavy and purple?". I always like to stimulate though in those around me. Speaking of stimulating thought, I topped off my Open University course (M358 - database stuff) with an exam today. One down and one to go.