Green is Good! My name is Thomas Thumpworthy and I'm hoping to be your next representative in parliament. I'm standing on a green manifesto - David tells me that trees are wonderful and that we should have more of them. Apparently, we need to reduce car-bonnet emissions to prevent gimbal warming or some such. It brings back memories of Chalky Benton being caned by the masters for his constant gas emmisions.

Bushes are nice anyway. Giles - our family's gardener for some years - went off to set up his own garden centre in Creely and is apparently doing well. It just shows that you can be green and good for business.
As for my part, I've had Benton increase all of the tyre pressures on the Mercedes as I've heard that low tyre pressures can increase fuel consumption. Benton says that it makes the handling 'different', but it's still better than the jeep that he drove in the Falklands.
