Are you reading IT?

Being a happy IT worker (I think I can describe myself as that, although I score lower in geek tests than Woof), I am an ardent reader of The Register. This is a fine publication that has the irreverent tone mixed with grindingly anal corporate IT stories that you would expect. BOFH is someone whom many of us can relate. Anyway, there are often chucklicious stories adorning their pages such as the eBay Jesus prophet cure for cancer and new video evidence in the Zidane headbutt incident.

Well worth a read if you're vaguely computer literate.


Womble said…
So is the mighty Woof really the BOFH and, if so, are you the PFY?
Oz said…
I have two things that make me BOFH:

I'm an IT Professional (Woof is a talented amateur)

I'm much more of a bastard than Woof could ever be.