Work conversation with Woof via Messenger

  Never give out your password or credit card number in an instant message conversation.[You know it makes sense.]
Woof says:
Aright bobbin?
Oz Warren says:
I thought that said a right bobbin - I thought perhaps some strange northern dance that you'd learnt in your travels.
Woof says:
And spin, spin, spin
Oz Warren says:
Eeek. I'm getting dizzy and I've spilt my cuppasoup.
Woof says:
Thanks mousey
Woof says:
I've asked some front liners to have a look at the wiki for their feedback. After that, if it is a goer as the way forward, do we need to have a chat about looks, content, usage guidence etc etc
Oz Warren says:
This is like one of those old adventure games. You have entered a Council office and it's dark. "Switch on the light". You can't find a switch.
Woof says:
Woof says:
clap your hands together
Woof says:
depress button
Woof says:
fuck off
Woof says:

Oz Warren says:
It's a small scale, internal team tool, so I don't have a view on the look, but [Walrus] may. Best to ask. It should still be accessible to comply with employment blah but you might say that you don't employ disabled people...then again maybe not.
Woof says:
In terms of access, what do you mean
Woof says:
Partially sighted should be supported by software on computer
Woof says:
Unless you mean compatibility (hopefully be being browser based)
Woof says:
Oz Warren says:
Alt text on images etc. So it complies with accessibility guidelines so that staff using access technologies can open and change the pages. Don't assume that it's accessible out of the box. I haven't checked.
Woof says:
fair enough
Woof says:
Assumed as browser based, the basic functionality would be
Woof says:
In terms of alt tags, that can be documented if images used
Oz Warren says:
Grab hair at back of head and bash repeadly on large, well-cooked potato till it mushes and sprays out at the sides.
Woof says:
I'll ask Joe about the access stuffaroos
Oz Warren says:
Browser based it is. Assumed accessible it would be.
Oz Warren says:
Stuffaroo. See how many items of luggage you can get in the donkey before...stuffaroo!!!!


Womble said…
Can I have some of the drugs you two are on, please?

I've love to be able to use messenger at work, but in the past few days, the PTB have decided that it is a very naughty thing and blocked it at network level. It's not a problem for me, cos my laptop ain't connected to the network, but my colleague can only connect via the network. She called the PTB some very rude names indeed.
Oz said…
Ah, now there's the rub. We use Messenger on the internal network and can't get out to talk to real people. It means that a kind of intellectual inbreeding takes place within the organisation and we often wind up twanging our banjos to the rythmic chirping of the crickets.
Oz said…
By the way, I've noticed that I've become markedly stranger since I've known Woof. Coincidence you say? Perhaps.
Oz said…
Not all, just the the occasional interesting or bizarre one. Anything that may be worthy of inclusion in a future script.
Spikey said…
you really must get me the name of your dealer :o\ LOL