The founder of the trepanation movement is a Dutch savant, Dr Bart Hughes. In 1962 he made a discovery which his followers proclaim as the most significant in modern times. One's state and degree of consciousness, he realized, are related to the volume of blood in the brain. According to his theory of evolution, the adoption of an upright stance brought certain benefits to the human race, but it caused the flow of blood through the head to be limited by gravity, thus reducing the range of human consciousness. Certain parts of the brain ceased or reduced their functions while others, particularly those parts relating to speech and reasoning, became emphasized in compensation. One can redress the balance by a number of methods, such as standing on one's head, jumping from a hot bath into a cold one, or the use of drugs; but the wider consciousness thus obtained is only temporary. Bart Hughes shared the common goal of mystics and poets in all ages: he wanted to achieve permanently the higher level of vision, which he associated with an increased volume of blood in the capillaries of the brain.
The higher state of mind he sought was that of childhood. Babies are
born with skulls unsealed, and it is not until one is an adult that the
bony carapace is formed which completely encloses the membranes
surrounding the brain and inhibits their pulsations in repsonse to
heart-beats. In consequence, the adult loses touch with the dreams,
imagination and intense perceptions of the child. His mental balance
becomes upset by egoism and neuroses. To cure these problems, first in
himself and then for the whole world, Dr Huges returned his cranium to
something like the condition of infancy by cutting out a small disc of
bone with an electric drill.
The higher state of mind he sought was that of childhood. Babies are
born with skulls unsealed, and it is not until one is an adult that the
bony carapace is formed which completely encloses the membranes
surrounding the brain and inhibits their pulsations in repsonse to
heart-beats. In consequence, the adult loses touch with the dreams,
imagination and intense perceptions of the child. His mental balance
becomes upset by egoism and neuroses. To cure these problems, first in
himself and then for the whole world, Dr Huges returned his cranium to
something like the condition of infancy by cutting out a small disc of
bone with an electric drill.
It would seem common sense that drilling a hole in one's head would not be recommended for one's health and well being. Really? What if you were told that Bill Clinton's mentor at Oxford University, Lord James Neidpath, drilled a hole in his head? Or that the procedure is as old as the ancient Egyptians and Incas that practiced it? Or that those who have undergone the surgery report added energy, increased brain power, and even induce a permanent feeling of high?
It is the strange phenomena of trepanation, the procedure of drilling a small hole through one's skull, that is examined by an hour-long documentary released by alternative/rock musician Cevin Soling. 'A Hole In the Head' examines the development of "modern" trepanation as used by people in the United Kingdom, the United States, and The Netherlands for the purpose of attaining a higher level of consciousness.
The DVD can purchased online at